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AR winners Apr -June 20

Winners - April 2020

23rd April 2020


Here are a list of pupils who have already reached their AR Targets. I have set them new targets today.
Well Done and Congratulations!!

P4Go - Emma McCormick

P4I- Sarah Dickson

P5 McM - Lena Calik, Ruby Gorman, Seth McCann

P5 Mit/McK - Alfie Morton, Jonas Keery

P6F Rachel Rutherford

P6McK Ben McShane, Ethan McGeown

P7McCabe Glen Dickson, Emilia Gniewek, Brian Labijack

P7K Eliyah Gorelik, Lily Guiney, Maisie Hooks, Charlie Morton, Callum Treanor, Dawid Turewicz.

27th April 2020


Well Done to everyone is working so hard and reading and quizzing with AR.

Remember - keep reading each day. It is so important.

These people have reached their target.
Well Done!
You will receive a certificate you can print out this week.

Mrs Bird's class - Ellie Corey
P5 Mitchell/McKenna - Jacob Woods
P6 McKenna - Ben McShane, Rebecca Walker
P7 Keating - Maisie Hooks
P7 McCabe - Emilia Gniewek

I have reset the targets for these children. Well Done. I am so proud of you.
Thank you to everyone for your hard work.

28th April 2020


The following children have met their AR Targets. Well Done. A certificate is on its way. I am so proud of you all.

P5 McM - Ruby Gorman
P5 MIT/McK- Nancy Lenaghan, Reuben Sinton
P6 McK - Martha Lenaghan, Ben McShane
P7 K - Lucy McElmurray, Maisie Hooks

I am so proud of all AR Readers for all of your hard work. Remember keep reading and quizzing.

30th April 2020


The following children have reached their Accelerated Reader targets.
Well Done. We are so proud of you. A certificate is on its way to you.


Mrs Bird - Ellie Corey

P4I - Benjamin Massey, Aidan Thornton, Ella Robinson.

P5MIT/McK - Ben Stewart, Reuben Sinton, Hollie Rose McCammon, Jacob Woods

P6F - Jack Doran

P6McK - Mollie McCrum

P7K - Jagoda Bzdega, Maisie Hooks

Well done to all Accelerated Readers. Keep up the good work, and keep reading everyone!

Winners - May 2020

Word Millionaire - Well Done

Word Millionaire - Well Done!

Word Millionaire - Well Done!

The following children have read between 400 000 and one million words in Accelerated Reader.
Well Done

A certificate is on its way to you.

Glen Dickson P7M - over one million words
Maisie Hooks P7K - over one million words

Ben McShane - P6McK - over one million words

Between 400 000 and one million words

Oscar Gorelik - P7K
Brian Labijak - P7M
Patryk Jedrol - P6 McK
Ben McShane - P6McK
Eliyah Gorelik - P6McK
Charlie Morton - P7K
Emma McCormick - P4G
Emma Winters - P7K
Seth McCann - P5McM
James Wilson - P6McK
Ruby Gorman - P5McM
Abbie Massey - P6F
Rachel Rutherford - P6F
Martha Lenaghan - P6McK

Well done everyone!!



4th May 2020


The following children have reached their Accelerated Reader targets.
Well Done. We are so proud of you. A certificate is on its way to you.

P4I - Benjamin Massey, Aidan Thornton, Ella Robinson.

P5MIT/McK - Ben Stewart, Reuben Sinton, Hollie Rose McCammon, Jacob Woods

P6F - Jack Doran

P6McK - Mollie McCrum

P7K - Jagoda Bzdega, Maisie Hooks

Well done to all Accelerated Readers. Keep up the good work, and keep reading everyone!

6th May 2020


These children have reached their Accelerated Reader Target.
Well Done.

A certificate will be sent to you very soon.

P4I - Aidan Thornton
P5McM - Ruby Gorman
P7K - Jagoda Bzdega
P7K - Lucy McElmurray

I have reset your targets.

Thank you to all AR readers. You are working so hard!!

11th May 2020


Well Done to these pupils for reaching your Accelerated Reader target.

P4I - Lucy Wilson, Charlie Hill
P5McM - Ella Louise Glendinning
P5M/McK - Jacob Woods, Ben Stewart
P6McK - James Wilson, Ben McShane, Patryk Jedrol
P6F - Daniel Palwak
P7K - Rose Adams, Maisie Hooks

I have reset your targets and a certificate is on its way to you shortly.

Thank you to everyone who is trying so hard with reading. I really appreciate all your hard work and support.

14th May 2020


These people have reached their Accelerated Reader Target.
Well Done to you all.

Mrs Bird - Ellie Corey
P4I - Benjamin Massey, Aidan Thornton
P5Mit/McK - James Taylor
P5McM - Ruby Gorman
P6McK - Julia Ziemba, Ben McShane, Rebecca Walker
P6F - Rachel Rutherford, Daniel Pawlak
P7K - Rose Adams

Your targets have been reset and you will shortly receive a certificate.

Thank you to all Accelerated Readers and parents for your hard work.

18th May 2020


These children have reached their AR Targets

A certificate is on its way for you.

Nancy Lenaghan - P5Mit/McK
Ella Louise Glendinning P5McM
Mollie McCrum P6McK
Patryk Jedrol P6McK
Ben McShane P6McK
Aya Faila P7McC

Well Done!

Well Done to all AR readers who are working very hard.
Remember to keep reading and quizzing!

20th May 2020


These children have reached their AR Targets!

Well Done and we are very proud of you.
Your target has been reset and a certificate is on its way.

P4I - Charlie Hill
P5M/McK - Reuben Sinton
P5McM - Freddie White
P6F - Sophie McNeill, Daniel Pawlak, Rachel Rutherford
P6McK - Scarlet Botero, Rebecca Walker, Ben McShane
P7K - Rose Adams

Well done to all Accelerated Readers. Remember - Keep reading and quizzing!!

25th May 2020


AR Certificate Winners

Well Done to these AR target winners.

Your target has been adjusted and a certificate is on its way to you.

P4I - Charlie Hill, Ella Robinson
P6F - Sophie McNeill
P6M - Ben McShane
P7K - Maisie Hooks

Well Done to all AR readers. Remember to keep reading and quizzing.

The quizzing period has been extended this morning for Accelerated Reader so your target may have changed slightly.

Thank you for everything you do.

29th May 2020


Well Done to these people who have reached their Accelerated Reader Targets.

Your targets have been reset and you will receive a certificate very soon.
We are very proud of you.

P4I - Benjamin Massey, Aidan Thornton
P5McM - Ella Louise Glendinning
P6M - Mollie McCrum, Ben McShane
P7K - Rose Adams, Jagoda Bzdega, Lucy McElmurray

Well Done to all AR Readers!
Remember keep reading and quizzing.

Winners - June 2020

Well done to all of these AR Certificate winners.

We are very proud of you.


Remember to keep reading and quizzing.


P4I -              Aidan Thornton

P5M/McK -    James Taylor

P5McM -       Ruby Gorman

P6McK -        Ben McShane


Remember to keep reading and quizzing!!

These children have reached their AR targets.
Well Done
Your target has been reset and a certificate is on its way to you.

P4I - Sarah Dickson, James Morrow, Aidan Thornton, Ella Robinson, Lucy Wilson
P6M - Ben McShane
P7M - Glen Dickson
P7K - Rose Adams

Well Done to all AR readers.

Remember everyone - keep reading - AR or Bug Club!

10th June 2020


These children have reached their Accelerated Reader Targets.
Well Done.  You have worked so hard!

You will receive a certificate soon.


P4 Go/L-            Kathryn Orr
P4 I-                   Benjamin Massey
P5 McM-            Freddie White
P5 Mit/McK-      Jacob Woods
P6 McK -           Rebecca Walker, James Wilson



Remember everyone.  Keep reading and quizzing!

25th June 2020


These people have reached their target for AR.
A certificate is on its way to you.

Rose Adams - P7K
Ella Louise Glendinning - P5McM

Thank you to all AR readers this year, for your hard work reading and quizzing since September.

You have all worked so hard and done really well.

AR will return in September!

Access to the site will be available over the Summer. I will post soon with login details. You can still enjoy all the books and news articles on this site over the Summer without having to quiz on them.

Thank you to all parents and children in all classes for your great efforts with reading this year!!

Miss Irvine
